Oracle Aim 3.1
E21764_01/upgrade.1111/e16452/img/ua_biee_mt8.gif' alt='Oracle Aim 3.1' title='Oracle Aim 3.1' />DBA survival BLOG Keep DBA job simple. Thanks. u. 01apporacletvdtoolboxtvdperl Linux x. File Copy use. File Path qwmkpath rmtree use. Net SMTP use. Sys Hostname use. Getopt Stdgetopts use. File Basename use. DBI use. DBD Oracle qw orasessionmodes myClone. DIR predefine root. Dir variable. BEGIN use. Find. Bin qwBin get the current path of script use. Cwdabspath Clone. DIR abspathBin. Clone. LOGDirClone. DIR. log LOG Directorymybase. ACFSu. 02acfs mybasename basename0,. Base. DB mySnapshot. Name myDest. DB myDest. Path contains the final snapshot destinationmyoraenvusrlocalbinoraenv mycrsctlu. ORACLEHOMEu. 01apporacleproduct1. Snap. Error0 mySnap. Dir myControlfile. Tracecontrol. trc myInit. Nameinit. ora mywarnings0 myfoo mydb. Unique. Name MainmyStart. Datelocaltime Do. HBGH2D6jCyA/TV5PlVYQ-mI/AAAAAAAAAfY/geWIA3LHywo/s1600/s3.1.JPG' alt='Oracle Aim 3.1' title='Oracle Aim 3.1' />Shantanu Says April 14th, 2008 at 632 pm. Can you please tell me how can I download the AIM Software if I have access to a Oracle Partner Network Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications and platform services. MsgStart of basename. MAINLOG, Clone. LOGDirbasename. Do. MsgCant open Main Logfile Clone. LOGDirbasename. Process command line argumentsif Pipelined functions in oracle 9i. Since Oracle 8. 0, it has been possible to select from a collection of data usually loaded via a function as a virtual table. Youre currently subscribed to some eWEEK features and just need to create a username and password. ARGV Usage exit. Base. DBoptsb else Do. MsgBase DB not given Usage exit. Snapshot. Nameoptss else Do. MsgSnapshot Name not given List. Snapshots exit. Dest. DBoptsd else Do. MsgDest DB not given Usage exit. Unique. Nameoptsu else Do. Msgdbuniquename not given, try to get it dynamically Connect. DB db. Unique. Name Query. One. ValueqqSELECTvalue FROMvparameter. WHERE namedbuniquename Disconnect. DB show the parameters Do. MsgBase Base. DB Do. MsgSnapshot. Name Snapshot. Name Do. MsgDest Dest. DB Do. Msgdbuniquename db. Unique. Name try to get the ORACLEHOME of the resourcemycmdcrsctl status resource ora. Dest. DB. db f Do. Msgcmd openCMD,cmd. CMD close. CMD if 0 Do. Msg Destination database does not exist, please configure it with srvctl exit 1 foreachoutput chomp ifORACLEHOME foo,ORACLEHOMEsplit ENVORACLEHOMEORACLEHOME Do. MsgOH ORACLEHOME try to get the status of the resource using srvctlmycmdORACLEHOMEbinsrvctl status database d Dest. DB Do. Msgcmd openCMD,cmd. Do. Msgjoin,lt CMD close. CMD if 0 Do. Msg Destination database does not exist, please configure it exit 1 try to stop the dest db will ignore errorsmycmdORACLEHOMEbinsrvctl stop database d Dest. DB o abort f Do. Msgcmd openCMD,cmd. Do. Msgjoin,lt CMD close. CMD droprecreate the snapshot using snapacfs. Clone. DIR. binsnapacfs. Snapshot. Name n Dest. DB Do. Msgcmd openCMD,cmd. CMD only print here as it logs and echoes its time as wellclose. CMD if 0 Do. MsgError creating the new snapshot for Dest. DB. Exiting. exit1 Dest. Pathbase. ACFS. ACFSsnaps. Dest. DB Controlfile. TraceDest. Path. Controlfile. Trace Init. NameDest. Path. Init. Name Do. MsgControl file trace Controlfile. Trace Do. MsgInit file Init. Name remove old archives, redologs and control files ACFS. Dest. DB,1,1 mkpathbase. ACFS. fra. Dest. DB HERE WE HAVE THE CONTROL AND INIT READY TO BE MODIFIEDopenFILE,lt Controlfile. Trace myControl. Lineslt FILE closeFILE sed controlfilemyNew. Control. Lines pushNew. Control. Lines,SET ECHO ON n pushNew. Control. Lines,WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE n pushNew. Control. Lines,CREATE SPFILE FROM PFILEInit. Name n foreachControl. Lines change the snapshot name in the paths su. Base. DBu. 02Dest. DBgi change the dbuniquename in the REDO paths sfradb. Unique. NamefraDest. DBgi change the dbname in the create controlfile line sCREATE CONTROLFILE. CREATECONTROLFILE REUSE SET DATABASEDest. DBRESETLOGS NOARCHIVELOG everything after and including recover database can be skipped ifRECOVER DATABASE last print pushNew. Control. Lines, pushNew. Control. Lines,ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS n pushNew. Control. Lines,ALTER TABLESPACE TEMP ADD TEMPFILE SIZE 1. G n pushNew. Control. Lines,SELECT status FROM vinstance n pushNew. Control. Lines,QUIT n write the new controlfile openFILE, Controlfile. Trace print. FILENew. Pc Ballance Game there. Control. Lines closeFILE delete old controlfile no more necessary, deleted above unlink Dest. Path. control. 01. FILE,lt Init. Name myInit. Lineslt FILE closeFILE Init. LinesgrepBase. DBi,Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines Init. Linesgrep. Init. Lines myNew. Init. Lines foreachInit. Lines change only the snapshot name in the paths su. Nd Admission College College Difference Edition Essay Guide Made That. Base. DBu. 02Dest. DBgi sfradb. Unique. NamefraDest. DBgi print pushNew. Init. Lines, pushNew. Init. Lines, dbnameDest. DBn pushNew. Init. Lines, dbuniquenameDest. DBn pushNew. Init. Lines, dispatchersPROTOCOLTCPSERVICEDest. DBXDBn pushNew. Init. Lines, logarchivedest1locationUSEDBRECOVERYFILEDESTn pushNew. Init. Lines, sgatarget1. Hack An Xbox 360 Without Opening It Hug there. Gn pushNew. Init. Lines, pgaaggregatetarget1. Mn pushNew. Init. Lines, servicenamesDest. DBn pushNew. Init. Lines, n write the new init fileopenFILE, Init. Name print. FILENew. Init. Lines closeFILE ENVORACLESIDDest. DB cmdORACLEHOMEbinsqlplus as sysdba Controlfile. Trace Do. Msgcmd openCMD,cmd. CMD only print here as it logs and echoes its time as wellclose. CMD if 0 Do. MsgError creating the new snapshot for Dest. DB. Exiting. exit1 Do. MsgNew database snapshot Dest. DB created successfully Do. MsgStarting using srvctl mycmdORACLEHOMEbinsrvctl start database d Dest. DB Do. Msgcmd openCMD,cmd. Do. Msgjoin,lt CMD close. CMD if 0 Do. Msg Destination database cannot be started using srvctl exit 1 Do. Msg PURPOSE echo with timestamp YYYY MM DDH2.